
Benefits Of Connecting With KDTN
1. Equip
• Teaching
• Mentoring
• Impartation
• Counsel
2. Personal vision increased
3. Spiritual growth and development
4. Experience team synergy
5. Partner in the apostolic move of God
6. Ordination and commissioning into places of service
Giving is a Form of Worship to God and Thanksgiving for ministry.You are Invited to Partner and Display Your Love and Gratitude for the Ministry of Kingdom Dominion Training Network in the Form of Giving.
For your convenience, we have a variety of ways to sow.Whether it be online, an app from your mobile device, or by mail, giving is simplified with the following list.
ZELLE: kingdomdominiontv@gmail.com
Mail - Kingdom Dominion Training
Dr. Phyllis Fuller
P. O. Box 1092, Missouri City, TX 77459
Need help using online giving?​

To Connect with Kingdom Dominion Training Network, please complete our information form.
Connect now and take your God-Given Vision to the Next Level!