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             Prophetic Internship Application

Submit Questions and Concerns to


Affirmations and Ordinations are not automatic and Subject to Holy Spirit approval.  We commit to Affirm what Yahweh God is Confirming. Please revisit the details.  Completing the 8 segment teaching will empower and strengthen you in your Christian walk.    It is more than worth it!  If you just want to know more about the Prophetic without interning, you may apply.   Registration is closed for October 17 thru December 2022.  See you in 2023.

Relationship Status
What’s your God-Given Identity?

Your Baptisms:   Mark 1:8 

Baptized in Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues? Acts 2:1-47
Do you profess (recognize, acknowledge) a call to Prophetic Ministry
Click all that apply:
I understand the Gift of Prophecy vs. the Office of the Prophet
I understand all Believer should prophecy
I am called and advancing in the Prophetic Ministry
I have completed a Prophetic School Training
I have graduated from the School of the Prophets
Have you interned with seasoned Apostles & Prophets

Thanks for submitting!

  • CAN I ATTEND IF I DO NOT PROFESS A CALL TO PROPHETIC MINISTRY? Yes, at the same Registration Cost and Application Process.
    YES, at the same Registration Cost and application process.
  • What is the platform for the Prophetic Internship Sessions? ZOOM is the platform for the October 17 - December 2022 Prophetic Internship
    ZOOM is the initial platform.
  • Is the future expansion? Yes, future expansion is planned for local churches in your city. Five-Fold Ministries in your city may qualify to host your Prophetic Internship after you successfully complete the 8 week segment teaching with Apostle Phyllis Fuller and other seasoned Apostles and Prophets.
    Yes, future expansion is planned to conduct your Prophetic Internship in a local church in your city.
  • Can I conduct my Prophetic Internship Meeting in my local church with my Five-Fold Ministry leader? Yes, in the future planning. Not in the October 17 - December 2022 Prophetic Internship
    Yes, in the future planning. Not in the October 17 - December 2022 Prophetic Internship
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